Capra Family – Interview

by | Apr 6, 2017 | Family Blog


1) How many children do you have? Who is part of the program?
Christina (graduated) online classes at Unity College and Nicholas Salem HS

2) Where is your family from?
Salem, MA

3) How did you learn about Inversant?
After-school program couple of other families told them about it and they attended

4) What was it about Inversant that interested you in joining the program?
Little bit of everything – college information, financing college – single dad, made it a lot easier for Nicholas and every one at the school at helpful

5) Before Inversant, had you taken any college savings steps for your children? If so, what were they?
no – Nicholas – got into UMass Amherst –

6) Was college always in the plan for your children?

7) What do you hope to get out of the Inversant program?
Never attended school, so the experience and to get the information
money did help

8) What has been your favorite workshop? What did you learn?
Whole thing – the roundup was helpful

9) Did you go to college? If so, how was that experience?

10) What do you do for work?
Drive tractor trailers delivering construction equipment

11) Why do you believe college is important?
Makes life easier, the company I work for, you need a college education

12) What are your student’s interests? What schools and careers are they interested in?
Electrical engineering for Nicholas

13) What would you say to encourage other families to start saving early?
I pushed other families to join because it is so important
helps with books, hidden expenses, application expenses

14) What has been your proudest moment? What will be your proudest moment?
meeting with everyone – seeing everyone from different POVs

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