Meet an Inversant Family: Luz Senecal

by | Apr 11, 2019 | Family Blog

Thank you for participating in our March $100 sweepstakes! This month’s sweepstakes winner is Luz Senecal of Revere.

As a mother to Revere High School junior, Brianna, Luz knew she had to start preparing and saving for her college education early. “College has always been in the plan for Brianna. It was never not an option for her,” she says. Luz began saving for Brianna’s education through her a personal savings account, but knew she needed more than savings to help guide Brianna through the college application process.

Luz first heard about Inversant through another parent who encouraged her to join the program. After reaching out to Inversant Education Outreach Manager, Luz Miranda, for more information, she decided to start attending Learning Circles soon after. “The part that interested me the most when I first heard about Inversant was the education piece,” says Luz. “The match component was also very intriguing, but I wanted my child to be prepared, so gaining the information was a huge factor as well.”

Parents often share their struggle with knowing how to help their child transition into college, and Luz was no different. “College has changed so much since I attended. I went to school at night and earned my associates degree from Bunker Hill Community College, but it is so much more complicated now than it was then.”

Even though she is a junior in high school, Brianna is already beginning to think about potential colleges as well as majors. Currently, she is considering pre-med and has looked at a variety of schools, but Luz hopes as senior year approaches, Brianna will start to narrow down her search. “College is so important because the more education you have, the better your future will be,” says Luz. “Your education is something no one can ever take away from you.”

For now, Luz plans to continue to attend Learning Circles into her daughter’s senior year. “The Learning Circles have been so helpful,” she says. “But the one about financial aid, loans, and private versus public schools have been immensely helpful.”

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